Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4.2.12 - Rehearsal 20

Rehearsing in a new space last night because they are painting Kirby.  Andy started off the rehearsal by saying that we were just going to play, try out new things, unexpected things.  He said that our play was “experimenting for information.”  I really like that phrase because it provides structure to an open process.  We experiment, which means that anything can happen and we are open to all the possibilities.  But we experiment with a purpose: to mine for information for the project at hand.  That means that you try out a bunch of crazy things, but select the information that is relevant to the project.  We spent the first hour of rehearsal walking in a grid.  Andy brought our attention to different things: the space around us, the air around us, how we move through space, the specificities of how we move.  We then turned into a king, then a fallen king, then that fallen king as an animal.  Then we started creating a specific physicality for our first character.  Then we added noise.  Then words.  By the end of that hour we had begun to inhabit our characters.  Andy said this was only the beginning, that we need to keep making big choices.  We then spent the other two hours working through scenes.

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