Sunday, March 25, 2012

3.25.12 - Rehearsal 13

Another five hour rehearsal today.  We picked up where we left off yesterday working moments in the order in chronological order.  We are setting some details and leaving others for the next time we work through moments.  Generally, we are working moments to see how they work in order and hear them out loud, up on their feet, and on the stage.  It was energizing to see things from the September workshops, the January workshops, and previous rehearsals still present in the moments we are working on.  We really have built a common theatrical language.  Because of this common language, we are staging at a pretty good pace.  While we are still thinking about elements and theatrical storytelling, we have also moved into more traditional rehearsal vocabulary.  We are discussing what characters want, how they get what they want, breaking down character’s arguments, what words to emphasize, where to stand, and what movements to make on stage.  We make little changes to the script here and there.  After dinner, we had a cast and designer dinner at Andy’s on campus apartment.  It was fun to socialize with this group.  For a bit we talked about the term “political theater,” its definition, its implications, and how that might relate (or not relate) to telling personal, human stories on stage.

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